Martha Wainwright: You Had Me at "Mother Fucking Asshole"
In case you weren't aware of my complete obsession with Martha Wainwright and her music (though it started quite strongly with her brother Rufus), let me tell you about it. Actually, since I'm all about conservation and time management (*cough, cough*), I'm just going to post the later part of a conversation with a new Myspace friend and show you the video discussed herein:
Cool :). I think she's absolutely fabulous. did you catch the videos on my profile? The best video out there (I think) that isn't on my profile is [here] where she plays (in her pajamas) with Pete Townsend and Rachel Fuller. They had uploaded all sections of the segment, but they took all of them down but the one.
Thanks for sharing your martha/rufus story. I think she's really interesting, because she was really kind of awkward, and people didn't have a lot of faith in her tallent, including her dad. He wasn't real case you didn't realize, "Bloody Mother Fucking Asshole" is about Loudon Wainwright. It was to reciprocate the song "I'd Rather be Alone" he wrote about her when she was living with him at age 14.
I'm a bit obsessive over things/people I really appreciate, can you tell?
Hey Megan.
Thank you for turning me on to Martha. I listened to all of her myspace songs last night. She blew me away. Bloody Mother F-cking is amazing. What she does with her voice.
Just a couple of tidbits. I saw Martha play when she was very young at The Bottom Line one night at a Loudon Concert My, my... has she changed. Which of course, would be expected. And on Rufus' 16th birthday he was in the audience at another Bottom Line Loudon concert and proud Dad introduced him to the crowd. It was a nice moment.
Until now, whenever I thought of Martha I always thought of her Dad's song, 5 years old. You live and you learn.
[why i love rufus...joan wasser rocks ass too.]