All Your Jobs Are Belong To Me

i'm trying to tell you something about my life
maybe give me insight between black and white
and the best thing you've ever done for me
is to help me take my life less seriously
it's only life after all
Indigo Girls
My Lifeand the best thing you've ever done for me
is to help me take my life less seriously
it's only life after all
Indigo Girls
Here's my dilemma... I'm gonna have a PhD in December which decreases my chance of getting a teaching position. "But principals will want someone who is highly qualified to teach kids." Yeah, I hear ya, but no. Schools are ran on efficiency. With more and more budget cuts, schools are not able to hire me. Most principals refuse to even interview me which really sucks. People constantly ask me why I don't just apply for a university position (which would've been far, far easier for me to get), but it just isn't what I wanna do.
I went to my third interview of the summer today at Fabulous Elementary School with the principal, Ms. Fabulous. The problem is so did at least 10 other people. She literally interviewed all day today. I know it was a good interview, but I still doubt I'll get the job.
It would probably help my chances if I stopped using the word "fabulous" in my interviews. I used it yesterday and told myself not to use it again today, but I did. I couldn't help it though cause I loved this principal. We had an hour-long interview. After she asked me everything she wanted to ask she let me ask her anything I wanted to ask. When she was finished, I just sat back and said, "Well, I gotta tell you, you're hired!" Luckily she found it amusing.
Anyway...I'm lucky to have an awesome family that is so incredibly supportive during this time of hideous transition. I stopped by home yesterday and ran errands with my dad the rest of the day then had dinner with mom, dad, and little sis (9).
Random Conversations With the Fam:
Dad: You know, you've gotta keep a PMA.
Me: PMA? Positive Mental Attitude?
Dad: Yep.
Me: Mom, did you know that was what he meant?
Mom: I had to think about it a minute, but I got it.
(I really had to struggle not to use my new acronym in my interview, cause I think it almost slipped out once.)
Mom: So, how was the riding around with Dad?
Me: Well, Dad was awfully chit chatty. You'd think I was one of his man buddies or somethin'.
(We laughed about "man buddies" probably far longer than we should've.)
Thanks veg! That's awesome. I don't know that I deserve the 5's, but I'll take 'em. :)
Don't mind you're p's and q's though. Teachers are notoriously bad spellers.
Haha, yeah, I did. At least she's a "Pretty Cool Person" and is "Fun To Hang Around With." :)
DO NOT click on the audio button.
Gosh I didn't know you wanna be a teacher? All the time I was thinking... hmm.. umm.. what was I thinking? :)
Anyways Poo just wanna let you know that you're a peach, with syrupy syrup dripping all over the place
I want me some PMA! Is it expensive? ;)
veggie- that's fabulous, i'm glad you got that! ;)
laid bare- that's peachy! :)
ruby- PMA is free to all. that's what makes it so great! :)
Thanks for your comment lostnotfound :).
I understand completely. I already taught before I went back to school full-time. I taught, however, in my hometown and don't want to go back to my hometown again. I got my first job there right out of college and I knew I had beat out tons of applicants just because I was from that town. Because of that, I never really had to realize how difficult it could be to get a teaching job without any real connections to the town. I really took it for granted.
I don't think I would mind Texans at all. Then again, I'm already from the south. My problem would be leaving my family. I'm kind of a sucker for my family.
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